First Name: Nabiki

Last Name: Tendo

Parents: Soun Tendo
Deceased Mother

Jusenkyo Curse: None

Age: 17

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Reddish-Brown

Marital Status: Single

Loves: Money
(I know it's cliche, but it's true)

Loved by: No one (yet?)

Pets: Does Kuno count?

Rivals: Ranma Saotome
(Figurative Sense)

First Anime Appearance
Ranma � Vol. 1
(Episode 1)

Voice Actors:
Takayama Minami
Angela Costan

First Manga Appearance
Vol. 1.1
Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

There were still two more Tendos that I needed to talk to, but I felt a little uncomfortable going up to their rooms, so Ranma brought me up to Nabiki's room since he claimed I didn't want to meet Akane and he didn't think she was home anyway.
Ranma: Nabiki, this is Ki, he wants to talk to you, I guess.

Nabiki stopped doing whatever homework she was doing as Ranma left the room

Nabiki: Want to talk to me, eh? How much do you have on you?

Ki: What do you mean?

Nabiki: Money, silly. You can't expect me to talk to you for nothing, you know.

Ki: You're going to charge me? But...

Nabiki: You're interrupting my homework here, you can't expect this to be cheap?

After a bit of mumbling I handed over one thousand yen

Ki: Happy now?

Nabiki: I suppose. So what do you want to know?

Ki: Anything about the Saotomes, would be nice. This is sort of a report on Ranma, but Genma's good enough.

Nabiki: You want to know about Ranma, huh? That isn't surprising.

Ki: What do you mean, Nabiki?

Nabiki: Oh, nothing. Just that everyone seems to be rather interested in Ranma.

Ki: Yeah?

Nabiki (nodding, she extends her palm) The ladies, mostly, but for a price I'll let you in on a little secret.

Ki: Well, I'm not a.. how much?

She merely shrugged and I handed over another five hundred yen

Nabiki Okay. Financially, Ranma is the best thing to happen to this family, me specifically.

Ki: Wait, I thought he had caused a lot of damage around here?

Nabiki: Oh, he's done plenty of damage, but when you've got genius like mine it's easily twisted into profit.

Ki: genius, huh? Go on, I'd like to hear this.

Nabiki: You see, Ranma's got a devout ring of infatuated fans, one of them a simple-minded rich boy, my Kuno baby. He's in love with the girl side of course. Well when you combine his lust with a big wallet, throw in a few revealing pictures of a girl who walks around as if he acts were a boy, if you get my meaning, then you get quite a business going.

Ki: (laughing He has a boy in love with his girl-side? Why doesn't Ranma tell him the truth?

Nabiki: Amusing, isn't it? Ranma doesn't want everyone to know about the curse, though he has told Kuno a few times. Kuno's a bit thick. I'd tell him, but then.. there goes the business, and the humor.

Ki: That's sort of mean, Nabiki.

Nabiki: Mean? Moi? Can't blame a girl for trying to make a little cash, can you?

Ki: I guess it would depend on how you were getting it, in all honesty that is.

Nabiki: Kuno's baby's harmless, Ki. Besides what pleasure would I get out of life if it wasn't for Kuno chasing his beloved pig-tailed girl?

Ki: There's a cute name.

Nabiki: (nodding) He hates the boy Ranma, though. Seems Kuno also has a thing for Akane, another profit maker, and he doesn't like Ranma engaged to her and the "owner" of the pig-tailed girl.

Ki: That is very funny, I think I'm going to have to stick around this town.

Nabiki: Oh lovely, we need more cross dressers around here.

Ki: Er.. you noticed? Odd, no one else has.

Nabiki: Ki, look at who you're talking to and compare that to everyone else you've talked to.

Ki: Nabiki, I think that's my cue to be off. I'll pop back in if some of your fans have any questions for you.

Nabiki: Oh, you will, will you? Well, more money for me, I guess. Ta ta, Ki.

Ki:(I muttered on my way out) I doubt they'll be the ones who's pockets are going to get sucked dry, though.

Again, if you have any questions for her.....

Ki: Nabiki, this came for you with a lot of money! (hands 25000 yen to Nabiki) "Why is it that no one seems to listen to your ideas? You always seem to have the right answer to about any problem. And have you ever had trouble with Happosai's obsession?"

Nabiki: Because listening to my ideas costs too much. Don't think I wouldn't charge after I've already shared it. Happosai? Happosai is much more taken with Akane and Ranma to bother Kasumi or I.

Ki: This one came with money as well. (hands 20000 yen to Nabiki) Do you think that Tatewaki Kuno has any interest or love for you? I see that you sometimes help him and he seems to help you sometimes. Has Mr. Tendo ever tried to teach martial arts to you?

Nabiki: Kuno baby and moi? Oh please.. Like my Happosai answer, he's got his hands full with Akane and Ranma. He and I are friends on a financial level. And I don't like martial arts, it's Akane's thing. She's the only one of us who was ever interested in it.

Ki: This one's interesting.. and without money. (mumbling I hand over 1000 of my own yen) Don't give me that look, Nabiki. You've taken enough of my money. "Nabiki-san, don't you ever feel ANY guilt over your business deals? Or is business business, no matter what?" That's a really good question of you ask me. (mumbling)

Nabiki: Oh, Ki, you're turning out to be quite the profit, aren't you? Business is business, why feel guilt over making some spending money?

Ki:This one came with 20000 yen (I handed that to Nabiki) "How come you don't have any suitors? You are definatly the most kawaii Tendo."

Nabiki: How flattering and such a sum of money, too. Well, I don't have suitors cause they either don't have enough cash to satisfy me, or I end up costing them a fortune. I normally prefer the second choice when picking a boyfriend.

Ki: Someone else wants to know... and didn't leave you a tip... (I hand her another 1000 yen from MY pocket) Yeah, I'm cheap, live with it. "How could you charge Kodachi the Black Rose, Shampoo, and Ukyou for the chance to be alone with Ranma at Christmas time?!"

Nabiki:(laughing slightly) No, the better question would be, how could I not?! They want him, I make a little cash, so what if it's Christmas? If they thought they could have done better without me, they wouldn't have paid.

Ki: Here, Nabiki. (I hand her 1000 of my yen) "Nabiki, I just wanted to let you know my sister put you and Ranma together in her fanfic and its true love."

Nabiki: True love, huh? Well, what profit is there in Ranma? I don't know what a fanfic is, but I can tell you, Ranma isn't nearly as rich as he needs to be for my love.

Ki: Okay, Nabiki. (I hand her 43,874 yen) Wow! Good deal, Nabiki. He wants to know, "Will you do anything for money? After all you stiffed your future brother-in-law with interest charges and that time in the tunel of lost love, you demanded 10,000 yen to jump off the boat for Kuno. How do you justify that,exactly?"

Nabiki: Justify what? Would you expect Nabiki Tendo to get her clothes wet for free? And what good is Ranma if I can't make a little money off of him? You'd think what I did was a crime. Who doesn't charge intrest? Family and business are two seperate matters.

Ki:Great.. another one.. (I hand Nabiki 1,000 yen from MY pocket) "Nabiki, why do you call Kuno 'Kuno-baby'?"

Nabiki Cause he is simply pathetic. Don't you agree?

Ki: Nabiki! Here's another one, with money attatched! Thank goodness! (hands her 50,000 yen) "Hello, Nabiki! You say your suitor needs to have lots of money, well what about Kuno? He's rich..."

Nabiki: Ki-chan, Ki-chan, Ki-chan... haven't we already been over the Kuno-baby thing? Why am I getting redundant questions? Oh well, at least I got paid for that one!

Ki: Yeah, people.. next time I get a question that's already been answered it's going in my trash. Keep 'em new and fresh and creative! And in responce to that one, here's one of our most creative yet, Nabiki. Complete with 100,000 yen due to it's personal nature. "Nabiki, assuming you met an interesting, filthy rich... umm.. woman, would you go for it?"

Nabiki: I highly, doubt it. You know though, with all this cash, Ki-chan, I could just retire from even being a student. Keep 'em coming.

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